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Quote from Will in Homeboy, Sweet Homeboy

Will: Aunt Viv, you got to be proud of yourself.
Vivian: Well, pride doesn't quite capture it, Will.
Will: I mean, it was your idea to bring Tray out here. Hilary used to walk around all the time with such a sour look on her face. I used to say to myself, she just needs one good... friend, Aunt Vivian.
Vivian: He does seem like an interesting young man.
Will: And, you've only seen one side of him. He's just joking around, but he can be real serious.
Vivian: Really?
Will: Seriously. I mean, if somebody's chasing him, he can jack a fence like that. But if somebody catch him, it don't matter. The boy got a crazy rabbit punch, like you don't even see it coming. Bang! You out of there.

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