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Quote from Will in I, Done (Part 2)

Carlton: Look, Will, why don't you move back East with us? I mean, you could transfer to a school in New York. You could take the job on the Hilary Show if you wanted, you could be near the family. Come on, just make it easy on yourself.
Will: Carlton, I don't wanna make it easy on myself. I came out here to go to school and that's what I'm gonna do. Period. I started it and I'm gonna finish it. Look, I just need to get myself situated.
Carlton: So, what are you gonna do?
Will: Gotta get out there and look for a place.
Carlton: You know what? Dad could help you out in a minute. I'm gonna go-
Will: Carlton, no. Carlton. No, I don't want Uncle Phil to know nothing about this.
Carlton: Why? That's dumb.
Will: Carlton, I do not need Uncle Phil to clean up all my messes. No. You are gonna swear to me right now, you ain't gonna say nothing to nobody.
Carlton: Okay, Will. I swear.

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