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Quote from Will in Bullets over Bel-Air

Will: So, what, you don't think I'm mad, huh? I'm laying up in this hospital an inch away from being paralyzed. You don't think I wanna get up and catch...
Carlton: Well, it's not gonna happen again, not to me.
Will: Carlton, Carlton. I understand that you're scared, man, but the world can be a scary place. You just got to learn how to deal with it.
Carlton: Yeah, well, I found my way.
Will: That's not you, man, that's them.
Carlton: Look, I didn't come here for your approval, all right? I came here to see how you were. I'm out of here.
Will: Carlton.
Carlton: No more hugs, Will.
Will: I saved your life, man. I saved your life. You owe me! Now, give me the gun, Carlton. Give me the gun. I saved your life. I want the gun.

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