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Quote from Will in It's a Wonderful Lie

Will: Yo, man, how come I don't know about that party?
Bennie: You out of the mix, man. You're married.
Will: Whoa, wait a minute. Just because I got a girl, don't mean I can't hang with my boys.
Bennie: Hey, cool, but be warned, there's gonna be females up in there. Girls will be swarming like bees.
Will: Let them swarm on back because I got the queen.
Bennie: Okay, but once the party starts buzzing, you're gonna wish your stinger was free.
Will: All right, hold, hold, hold, hold on. The honey is always sweeter at the hive.
Bennie: Now, you know bees got to go from flower to flower.
Will: Oh, yes, sir, but once they start pollinating, then they... Happen... Uh... Look, can we just talk, please?
Bennie: Fine, fine. But if you ask me, man, I think you need to dump that ball and chain. Hey, Lisa. Look at how cute... You are a lucky man.

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