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Quote from Will in The Alma Matter

Philip: Wait a minute, Will. Princeton is considering you?
Will: Considering me? Begging me is more like it. I mean, yo, them people just will not take "no" for an answer.
Philip: You turned them down?
Will: A bunch of times. But you know, dude started getting all weepy-eyed and everything so I told him I'd sleep on it.
Carlton: How'd you do it, Will? The truth.
Will: Carlton, I was just myself. I guess that was good enough.
Carlton: This is Princeton, Will. They don't want people who are themselves. They want people like me. Now, fess up.
Will: I told you, Carlton, I was just myself. We talked. I told him about the hood back in Philly. And he told me about some stuff called Spam.

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