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Quote from Carlton in Asses to Ashes

Carlton: Well, Will, you really knocked them dead the other night, huh? Don't get him mad, Mom. You don't want to make him raise his voice.
Vivian: Carlton, take out the trash, honey.
Carlton: I did it last week, it's the Terminator's turn. [on the phone] Dan Quayle, please. I'll hold.
Vivian: Carlton, why are you calling Dan Quayle?
Carlton: Simple. Thanks to the Grim Reaper over here and Judge Robertson taking the old dirt nap, the governor has to appoint someone and the right endorsement could swing it to Dad. [on the phone] Yeah, Carlton Banks. That's B-A-N-K-S. No E. [laughs] That was a joke, ma'am. Hello? The phone's dead, Will!
Will: Carlton, man, I am not a killer. [Carlton laughs after falling to the ground clutching his chest] That's not funny.

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