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Quote from Will in The Aunt Who Came to Dinner

Carlton: [on the phone] Look, mesdemoiselles, un petit change of plans for tonight. Instead of you coming over here, we're going to rendezvous at your hotel.
Will: [also on the phone] All right. But, please, baby. Baby, listen. Can I talk for a second, baby? It's just that, you know, somebody kind of dropped by the mansion you know, unexpectedly, you know. So we... Who dropped by?
Carlton: Aunt Helen.
Will: What? No. You thought he said Aunt Helen? No, no. He said Van Halen.
Carlton: Well, not to worry, my little chocolate truffles. You can come by tomorrow night. Prince and Hammer are coming by to play Yahtzee. [Uncle Phil walks in]
Will: Oh, sorry, gotta go. Barry White's here.

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