Red Quote #142

Quote from Red in Sleepover

Hyde: So money's a little tight, huh?
Red: No, no, Steven. Everything's fine. We're great.
Eric: [enters] Good morning. [chuckles] And I am not just saying that.
Red: Listen, your mother's working double shifts, so I'll be cooking.
Eric: You know the fire extinguisher's in the garage, right?
Red: Yeah. I know.
Eric: I'm gonna have cereal.
Red: Oh, you'll be having a lot of cereal.


 ‘Sleepover’ Quotes

Quote from Eric

Eric: You know, Donna, I'm not surprised you're in my bed. I knew you couldn't resist me any longer.
Donna: No, I couldn't. I want you. I need you.
Eric: Well, I never turn down a woman in need.
Donna: You know, being here, in your bed, on your... Spider-Man sheets, makes me feel so ready, so willing.
Eric: Then call me Able. Wait, wait. A little mood music.
[I Like Dreamin' by Kenny Nolan plays]
♫ I like dreamin' ♫ 'Cause dreamin' can make you mine ♫ I like dreamin' ♫ Dreamin' ♫
[Eric wakes up in bed:]
Eric: Damn.
Donna: What's wrong?
Eric: Ah! I mean... Hey, baby.

Quote from Leo

Leo: Hey, listen, man, I hope you don't mind if I pay you in cash. I don't like Big Brother getting into my business, you dig?
Hyde: Man, keeping the government out of it, I'm so with you.
Leo: No. My big brother, man. He's always hitting me up for money.
Hyde: Oh. 'Cause you're the responsible one?
Leo: Yeah. It's my curse, man. Hey, listen... I gotta go, uh... Do a thing at, uh... A place.
Hyde: Yeah, man. I hear that. So you want me to lock up when I'm done?
Leo: Lock up. Wow. That's a great idea, man. Hey, you're one of those idea men, aren't you, man?
Hyde: Yeah. Maybe someday you'll be working for me, huh? [chuckles]
Leo: Really? Aw, that'd be cool, man. Hey, but can I have Saturday night off? [Hyde nods] Cool.

Quote from Leo

Leo: So, do you like photos, man?
Hyde: Yeah, man. Sure.
Leo: Okay. You got the job, man.
Hyde: Just like that? You don't have to interview anybody else?
Leo: Nobody else showed up, man.
Hyde: So, what do I do here, anyway?
Leo: Well, I don't expect a lot, man. Pretty much, if the hut doesn't burn down, it's been a good day. And even if it burnt down, man, it's cool, 'cause I got three or four more of these little huts somewhere. Hey, listen, if you see one of these huts, would you give me a call, man?
Hyde: Or even better, I could take a picture.
Leo: Whoa. A picture of a photo hut. Hey, that'd be like art or something, huh?