Kitty Quote #542

Quote from Kitty in I Can See for Miles

Kitty: Red Forman, don't you dare throw those shoes away.
Red: I just can't keep them, Kitty. Every time I wear them, I'll feel Bob touching my feet.
Bob: Are you throwing away my shoes?
Kitty: No, no. No, no. He's not throwing away your shoes. He is getting rid of that pesky new shoe smell by rubbing old food on them.


 ‘I Can See for Miles’ Quotes

Quote from Red

Kelso: You know, I'm gonna take Red's car. I know he's got to hide a key in there somewhere.
Red: Are you brain-damaged?
Kelso: Fez, did you just say, "Are you brain-damaged?" and sound exactly like Red?
Fez: Kelso, you know I only do Johnny Carson and Pepe Le Pew.
Red: Get away from my car.
Kelso: Your car, my car. Aren't we all just driving the same car? It's a car called "life."
Red: How about I drive my foot into this thing called your ass?
Kelso: A simple "no" would suffice.

Quote from Red

Red: I'm throwing them away, Bob. Look, I appreciate the thought. No, well, that's not true. I mean, shoes are a weird gift to give another man. I mean, what's next? A weekend in Cancun?
Bob: Okay, fine. I bought the shoes for myself, but they pinch my toes, so I decided to pawn them off on you as a gift.
Red: You were just trying to screw me over? Well, I can respect that. Thanks for the shoes, Bob. [shakes Bob's hand] See, I have a friend.
Kitty: No, no. This is not the way friends act. He was gonna throw away your present, Bob.
Bob: Come on, Kitty. I gave him shoes. That's weird. I'm surprised you didn't punch me in the face right then.
Red: I almost did. [both laugh]

Quote from Red

Red: Shoes are an inappropriate gift to give another man.
Kitty: Well, what about when you joined the service? Another man issued you your boots.
Red: But then he gave me a gun, so I let it go.
Kitty: Well, why don't you just accept the shoes because Bob is your friend?
Red: You don't understand how men work. We don't give each other presents. We pretty much ignore each other until someone scores a touchdown.
Kitty: You should listen to me. I know how to be a friend, and you obviously don't, since you don't have any.
Red: I have plenty of friends. Charlie's a friend. He saved my life during the war.
Kitty: And when is the last time you talked to Charlie?
Red: We said all we needed to say on the boat back home.