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Quote from Hyde in Everybody Loves Casey

Kelso: Well, me and Jackie are officially over. We're as done as this hot dog. [eats] This hot dog isn't done!
Eric: Well, if kicking Casey's butt is the same as babbling at him from a safe distance then, boy, did I do it. But seriously, you guys, the days of Daffy are over. It's time for action. I'm going Road Runner on his ass. Meep, meep! Pow!
Fez: Good. Because thanks to his stupid advice, Rhonda dumped me. I tried to steal third, but she blocked me and choked me. Now there is no more baseball for Fez. It's back to handball.
Hyde: Girls, man. They'll make you miserable. Well, I got a date. [as Daffy Duck] "Tho" long, "thuckerth!"

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