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Quote from Fez in Donna's Story

Fez: Um, guys, I don't understand. What does "consummate" mean?
Hyde: It means to have sex.
Fez: Really? Now I have two words for that.
Donna: Eric, you just wrote this to hurt me.
Eric: What? I did not! And, hey, so did you.
Donna: Look, when I wrote my story, I just sat down, and that's what came out. I didn't, like, plan it or anything. And besides- No, you know what? I don't have to explain myself to you. [exits]
Fez: Okay, I'd like someone to explain it to me.
Hyde: Uh, well, that's easy, Fez. See, Donna, as an artist wrote her story to get some perspective on her life. Forman, as a vindictive ass, wrote his story to be a vindictive ass.
Fez: Oh, Eric, I think you just consummated yourself. [laughs] See what I did there? Looks easy, but it's not.

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