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Quote from Midge in Who Wants It More?

Donna: Mom, can I ask you a question? In your relationship with Dad, have you ever let an argument cross into other parts of your relationship?
Midge: What do you mean?
Donna: You know, I mean, do you ever... not have sex with Dad?
Midge: Sure! I'm not having sex with him right now.
Donna: No, Mom, I mean, like, in an argument, to get your way.
Midge: You can do that?
Donna: Yeah. I just wonder if it's wrong.
Midge: Donna, you're saying by my not having sex with your father I can get him to paint the bathroom?
Donna: Yeah. But don't you think it hurts the relationship?
Midge: Blah, blah, blah! I'm getting my bathroom painted!

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