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Quote from Kelso in Cat Fight Club

Kelso: You know, I missed you guys. Yeah. This place just isn't the same when I'm not around.
Eric: [enters] Oh, hey. You guys want to hear a really funny story? I was just upstairs, and Red was yelling at me about you. And, uh, then I said, "What are you doing yelling at me? Kelso's right downstairs. In fact, I'll go get him for you," I said.
Hyde: Say, that is a funny story.
Kelso: I don't care. I'll talk to Red. He was really mean to me, and here I brought him a five-pack. So I hope he's ready to apologize.
Eric: [laughs] Oh, yeah!
Hyde: Yeah, that's it. If there's one thing Red's about, it's forgiveness.
Fez: No, he's not. He's the opposite of that. Oh, wait. I get you. Funny.

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