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Quote from Jackie in Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy

Jackie: Okay, Miss St. George, I'm really sorry.
Christine St. George: No. What you showed me just now proves that you are a sweet, honest, young woman. And that crap will get you nowhere in show business.
Jackie: So what? I'm supposed to lie and cheat and take credit for other people's work?
Christine St. George: That's how I paid for my Mercedes. You can't be afraid to be tough.
Jackie: Oh, I'm tough. I'm very, very tough. People always say what a bitch I am.
Christine St. George: Well, for your sake, I hope they're right. Now, please. Get this crazy lady off my set.
Kitty: Coming up next, a potato chip that looks like Henry Kissinger. [hums]
Christine St. George: See if you can find that potato chip. It sounds fascinating.

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