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Quote from Eric in My Wife

[Eric's dream sequence:]
Eric: Donna, happy fifth anniversary! Hey, I want you to put on your best dress, because there's another sequel to Star Wars. And Mr. and Mrs. Eric Forman are gonna be first in line. What's going on?
Donna: I'm leaving you, Eric.
Eric: What? We could see the new Jane Fonda movie instead.
Donna: Eric, I'm miserable. How can you let me settle for this?
Eric: But you said this is what you wanted.
Donna: Well, I was wrong. I guess I was just trying to make you happy, and I forgot about myself. I mean, I wanted to see the world, not the inside of a trailer.
Eric: But, Donna, I love you.
Donna: I love you, too, but it's not enough. Goodbye, Eric.

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