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Quote from Donna in My Wife

Donna: Okay, Eric, I talked to my boss down at the radio station, and I told him we were staying in town, and I said that if he wanted to keep me, he would have to put me on the air full-time, and he went for it. "Hot Donna" every day on WFPP.
Eric: Oh, Donna, that's amazing. All you had to do is ask?
Donna: Oh, and I tied my shirt up in one of those sexy knots.
Hyde: Yeah, Jackie does that. We have never paid to get into Six Flags.
Eric: Wait. But, Donna, if you take this job, how are you gonna...
Donna: Why are you waving a mug at me?
Eric: I'm sorry. How are you gonna find time for college?
Donna: I don't know. I'll just stop going. Eric, I'm a deejay. I already have the kind of job I was going to college to get.

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