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Quote from Donna in Magic Bus

Donna: So... I'm really gonna miss you.
Eric: Yeah, me, too. Look, Donna, I'm really happy for you. [they hug]
Donna: [sighs] Well, bye, I guess.
Eric: Donna, wait!
[black-and-white fantasy:]
Eric: Donna, you have to stay.
Donna: Stay? You're supposed to tell me to go.
Eric: No, if you leave you'll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but in a couple of weeks or... You know, at least by Christmas.
Donna: Oh, my God, you're such a loser.
Eric: Donna.
Donna: Here's looking at you, dork.
Donna: What did you wanna tell me?
Eric: Have a safe trip.
Donna: Thanks.
[After the bus departs, Eric sees Donna standing there]
Eric: Donna, what...
Donna: I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. This whole time I was thinking I was supposed to leave, and then when the time came to get on the bus, I couldn't do it. I'll figure college out later, all I know is I wanna stay here with you.
Eric: Oh, my God. Donna, that's what I wished for.

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