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Quote from Jackie in Magic Bus

Donna: I can't wait until all of Donna's giant clothes are out of the closet. I don't even go in there now. I'm afraid I'll fall into one of her shoes and never be heard from again.
Kelso: Well, I guess I must be Eric's best friend, because I'm the only one went to the trouble of getting him a birthday cake. [eats] It's good, too.
Fez: Maybe we should think about getting him something else. What do you think, Pudding Pop?
Hyde: [chuckles] Why does everybody keep calling me that? My name's not Pudding Pop, never heard that name before in my life. Forman's dead.
Jackie: Hey, if you guys think that's funny, you should hear what Steven calls me. He calls me his... [Hyde smushes cake into Jackie's mouth] Hey! Oh, hey, that's some good cake.

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