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Quote from Kitty in Punk Chick

Kitty: Jackie, just take the money and buy a pie.
Jackie: Mrs. Forman, if I buy a pie, that's cheating and I'll fail.
Kitty: Trust me. If you bake it, you'll fail, too.
Red: [enters] What's this about Hyde moving to New York?
Kitty: Oh, no. He's only 17. His mother would never let him do that.
Jackie: Actually, Michael told me that Hyde's mom drinks a lot. She probably won't even care. You know, drunk people are like that.
Kitty: Okay, let's make another pie. I will make the filling and I will make the crust.
Jackie: What will I make?
Kitty: You will go into the living room and make me a drink. [laughs]

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