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Quote from Laurie in The Pill

[dinner table - filmed in a circle:]
Kitty: Eric, you're not eating. Are you sick?
Laurie: Yeah, Eric, you seem upset. Did something happen at the pharmacy?
Red: What happened at the pharmacy?
Eric: Nothing. Shut up.
Red: Eric, be nice to your sister.
Eric: Kitty, what happened to the mail?
Laurie: I checked the mail, Dad. Nothing. No mail.
Kitty: You know, the mail keeps disappearing. I think we have a little mail thief. [laughs]
Eric: Speaking of. Laurie, I could've sworn I saw a University of Wisconsin envelope sticking out of your bra. What's that all about?
Red: What?
Laurie: Donna's on the pill. [Kitty chokes on her drink]
Red: What did you do?
Eric: Nothing. Nothing.
Red: Dinner's over! You. Kitchen. Now.

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