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Quote from Fez in Battle of the Sexists

Jackie: [on the phone] So Barbra Streisand became this huge star, right? But Kris Kristofferson could not take it anymore so he drinks and crashes his car. Isn't that romantic?
Fez: [hands phone to Kelso] Say, "Yes, it is."
Kelso: [on the phone] Yes, it is.
Jackie: Oh, I just love romantic movies, don't you?
Fez: "Yes, I do."
Kelso: Yes, I do.
Jackie: You know what would be a good romantic scene in a movie? That night we had by the reservoir when we went skinny-dipping. Remember?
Fez: "No, describe it to me."
Kelso: No, describe it to me.
Jackie: Michael, you're so bad. Okay, the water was really cold so when I dove in, you know...
Fez: No, I don't know.
Jackie: [screams] Michael!

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