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Quote from Red in Cat Fight Club

Red: I expected more from her. What the hell is she doing with some high-school kid? She went to college!
Kitty: Well, she did flunk out.
Red: Oh, Kitty... I can see how their future is gonna turn out... and it's not good.
[fantasy - The Future, 1997:]
Fez: More mashed potatoes, Red?
Red: Why, thank you, Servotron 2000. Oh, that's cold. Damn foreign robots.
Laurie: Oh, it's so nice to have dinner with the family like this.
Kelso: Yeah. It's a good thing we found a baby-sitting droid for the quintuplets.
Kitty: So, Michael, how's the job hunt going?
Kelso: Great! They had a real short line at the unemployment office, so I got home in time to catch the end of The Space Price is Right.
Laurie: You know, times are tough for me and Kelso right now. You'll help us, won't you, Daddy?
Red: I'll always be there for you, honey.
Kelso: I think she means financially, Red.
Red: I know what she means... kettle-head.
Kelso: You're giving us more money... right, dude?
Red: Yes, damn it!
Kelso: All right. All right. Hey, Laurie, I think it's time for our "nap".
Red: All right! That's it! I've gotta go to Saturn on business for a week. Now, when I get back, you better have a job, or it's off to the asteroid mines for you!
Fez: Don't forget your briefcase, Red.
Red: Thank you, Servotron 2000. Now, roll back the roof, 'cause I gotta go. Jet pack, blast off!
Kitty: Red. Red.
Red: [clears throat] That's it. I'm just gonna tell her that she can't see him anymore.
Kitty: Nope, nope. You can't do that, Red. In fact, the more we fight it, the more she's gonna want to be with... kettle-head.
Red: At this rate, I'm gonna have a heart attack before I even get my jet pack.

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