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Quote from Donna in Punk Chick

Donna: So, Hyde's like... Hyde's like really leaving.
Eric: Yeah. It's like... time's just passing us by. You know, you've got to like seize the day.
Donna: You are so right.
Eric: Yeah. [they kiss] [Donna laughs] Okay, what's so funny?
Donna: Nothing. Nothing.
Eric: No, tell me.
Donna: I know you're going for the bra.
Eric: How did you know?
Donna: It's just, every time you go for my bra, your lips stop moving.
Eric: So, um, you're really not having any fun?
Donna: No, I'm having a good time. I would just like a little attention while you're struggling with my underwear. I'm here too. It doesn't always have to be about the twins.
Eric: [laughs] The twins? Is that what you call them? That is so very hot. [off Donna's look] Okay. Okay.
Donna: Take me home.

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