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Quote from Bob in The Best Christmas Ever

Red: You know, Bob, I- I just want to thank you again for the job, you know?
Bob: Oh, I always need extra help during the holidays. I feel like you're my second-in-command around here. So, listen, how about you close up for me on Christmas Eve?
Red: Why would we be open?
Bob: Oh, it's a big night, Red. See, picture a guy driving home from work on Christmas Eve. [hums] Fa la la la la
Red: Bob, nobody works on Christmas Eve.
Bob: All of a sudden, he realizes he forgot to buy a gift! Then he passes by the store here, sees we're the only place open. So what does he do? He comes in here and buys a fridge.
Red: So this guy's insane?
Bob: Not my place to judge. So what do you say?
Red: Fine.
Bob: I knew I could count on you, Red. Of course, you'll have to wear the Santa Claus suit.
Red: [chuckles] You got me there, Bob.
Bob: No, I'm serious, Red.
Red: No. You got me there, Bob.

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