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Quote from Jackie in We Will Rock You

Fez: You guys are awful. Disco has been great to me. Without disco, if I rub my crotch on a girl, it's illegal. With disco, it's a bar mitzvah.
Jackie: See, disco has given Fez and I some of our best times together. Oh, like remember the night when we beat Johnny and Melina at that dance-off? Oh, we kicked their gold-lame asses! [gasps] You know what? I heard Johnny's working at a car wash. Yeah. Uh-huh. We did that to him.
Fez: Jackie, be nice. Car wash. He's poor!
Jackie: You see that? See? We got a trophy and the satisfaction of knowing we ruined two people's lives. So you can have your little bonfire, but we're not going.

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