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Quote from Jackie in Take It or Leave It

Donna: I cannot believe Eric went out. He's supposed to be at home agonizing.
Jackie: Well, maybe they went out to buy flowers for when Steven proposes.
Donna: No, they would have just sent Fez. They're out having fun, and that is exactly what we're gonna do.
Jackie: Okay, here's what I don't get. Why would Sally sell seashells down by the seashore? I mean, that's a terrible location for a seashell stand.
Donna: Yeah, I mean, if she wanted to make money, she would sell seashells by the subway.
Jackie: You know what she should sell by the seashore? Shoeshines, 'cause your sandals get so sandy.
Donna: Sandy sandals. We should start a girl band called Sandy Sandals. What's wrong?
Jackie: Well, sand reminds me of dirt, and dirt reminds me of Steven.
Donna: Jackie, I'm sure Hyde will do the right thing.
Jackie: You know, I thought if I really put myself out there, he'd see how much I love him and say yes right away. And then when he didn't, I thought, okay, well, maybe he'll take a couple hours and then say yes. But now I think he's only taking so long 'cause he's gonna say no. Donna, what if he says no?
Donna: Jackie, if Hyde says no, then you and I get a van, and the Sandy Sandals tour America.

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