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Quote from Eric in Time is on My Side

Hyde: Forman? Your whole year-off plan? It's lazy, it's selfish, and it's gonna piss a lot of people off. So, nice job.
Eric: Thank you.
Hyde: What are you gonna do for cash, man? I mean, you know, rich kids, they have a trust fund. All's you've got is some poorly assembled model airplanes.
Kelso: I melted those.
Eric: I guess if I have to work, it's not a year off, so... Maybe I can sell something. Guys, what do I have that's worth any money? Oh, Donna! I can sell your engagement ring!
Fez: She is going to kill him.
Kelso: Fez, get out of the swing zone.
Hyde: I got ten bucks on the girl. And I mean Donna.

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