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Quote from Fez in 5:15

Fez: Thank you so much for helping me with Christy. She was telling me what she did last summer at camp, and I think she might be a whore. So if there's anything I can do for you...
Jackie: Actually, Fez, there is. When the bride tosses the bouquet, I really want to catch it. It's such a sweet and magical moment, so I need you to knock some of those fat sluts out of my way.
Fez: I will make those Weebles wobble, and they will fall down.
Christy: Fez Ferrari, you're so rich and sensitive, I think I might go all the way with you. But only if you get everyone out of my way so I can catch the bouquet.
Fez: How many bouquets do they throw?
Christy: One.
Fez: Ay.
Fez: [inner monologue] Let's see, who do I help? Old friend, new whore? Old friend, new whore? What am I saying? Do the right thing, Fez.
[Fez pushes Jackie out of the way so Christy can catch the bouquet]

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