Dina Quote #8

Quote from Dina in Magazine Profile

Mateo: You will spread your legs for anyone who will write a story about you, won't you?
Jonah: That has nothing to do...
Dina: Jonah. There's about 50 store rules broken on that tape.
Jonah: I know.
Dina: It is disgusting.
Jonah: I'm sorry.
Dina: And there's just one thing left to say. You're... safe now. Bring it in. [hugs Jonah] Wow. You fit right in there perfectly, don't you? [sighs] You've been sexually assaulted.
Garrett: What?
Dina: And... I was hoping you could start to heal by admitting that here in a safe place, but...
Jonah: No, no, that's not... no.
Dina: You are obviously very ashamed.
Jonah: No. No, no.
Dina: Hey. You didn't do anything wrong.


 ‘Magazine Profile’ Quotes

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: Why would anybody be attracted to Jonah? He looks like a villain on the CW.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: You know, I have to say, almost everything works on him. I guess that's the one benefit of having a face with zero character.
Glenn: Thank you, Mateo.

Quote from Dina

Dina: You got to keep this reporter away from me. I hate reporters. My school paper once misidentified me as a scoliosis victim. I mean, the joke is, my spine is perfect, okay? I can bench 160. 165 in the right situation. [looks at Jonah]