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Quote from Jonah in Zephra Cares

Jonah: Sandra, you have to stop. I know you and Jerry don't, like, talk to a lot of people, but this is just meaningless banter.
Judy: 'Scuse me. 'Scuse me. Hi. Jonah.
Jonah: Oh, hey, yeah. You were here before.
Justine: Yeah, Judy, yeah. Culinary student. [both chuckle]
Jonah: Yeah, right.
Judy: Yeah, I don't usually do this, and maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like we had a... connection.
Jonah: Ah.
Judy: And I just... I'm just wondering, would you like to have coffee sometime?
Jonah: You know what? I did enjoy our... our friendly conversation. Mm-hmm. So why not?
Judy: Oh, good.

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