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Quote from Sandra in Lady Boss

Sandra: I didn't invite Carol to the wedding.
Garrett: Yeah, I was able to piece that together. But I thought you guys were cool?
Sandra: No. I mean... She's been helping me with wedding stuff, but I'm still a little nervous. I walked in on her in the bathroom yesterday, and she was practicing smiling.
Garrett: Okay, you know what? You're making too big a deal out of this. You just need to go up to her and go, "Carol, you're not coming to the wedding."
Sandra: Wow, what a wordsmith. You should tell her exactly like that.
Garrett: Oh, me?
Sandra: No, I'm not... You're right. It just makes sense since you're Jerry's best man. Thanks, Garrett. You don't have to get us a wedding present. Telling Carol is more than enough. [walks off]
Garrett: Oh, hey, that's my phone.

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