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Quote from Amy in Salary

Amy: Good morning, Sarah. Looking great! Good hustle, Brett! Hey, Sayid, you can go on a break.
Sayid: I already had my break.
Amy: Well, then it's a double-break day for you, my friend.
Cheyenne: You're in a good mood.
Justine: Somebody got laid.
Amy: No, actually, I, um... I'm just very happy. I like my new job. Oh, also, hey, everyone? There are doughnuts in the break room. [Justine gasps]
Cheyenne: Ooh, who forgot their doughnuts?
Amy: No, I bought them.
Cheyenne: Oh. Okay. Nobody eat the doughnuts. They're Amy's.
Amy: No, that's not- I- Doesn't matter. Good job, everyone. [walks off]
Cheyenne: She's so weird about her doughnuts.

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