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Quote from Glenn in Minor Crimes

Mateo: Um, if he gets a hole punch, can I get this bag full of cash?
Jonah: Whoa!
Glenn: Oh, that's my rainy day fund. Corporate sets aside a certain amount of the budget for miscellaneous maintenance, so whenever we don't use it, I just take out in cash and set it aside. You know, just in case.
Jonah: But they think you spent this on maintenance.
Glenn: Yeah, and I would have if I needed to, but I didn't. So just leave it there for the next manager.
Jonah: Wait, so so you told them you spent money you didn't spend.
Glenn: Mm-hmm.
Jonah: Then you took the money and kept it in a bag hidden in your office.
Glenn: Yeah.
Jonah: Isn't that embezzlement?
Glenn: [scoffs] No, embezzlement is when you put jewels on your jacket.
Jonah: I think you mean bedazzling.
Mateo: Which is also a crime.

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