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Quote from Cheyenne in Minor Crimes

Garrett: Look, it's only a couple more hours. It's the length of a movie. If I can sit through The Hitman's Bodyguard, I can make it through this.
Cheyenne: The Hitman's Bodyguard?
Garrett: Yeah. You didn't see that? Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L. Jackson, and uh, the other guy. He always plays a bad dude. Uh, he's British.
Cheyenne: David Beckham.
Garrett: No.
Cheyenne: He's British.
Garrett: Yeah, I know, but that's not who I'm- It's, uh... [goes to grab phone] Oh! Okay, you know who I'm talking about. He's in everything. He was in Harry Potter.
Cheyenne: Oh, Daniel Radcliffe!
Garrett: No.
Cheyenne: Daniel Radcliffe is British.
Garrett: Yeah, I know. Okay?

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