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Quote from Amy in Costume Competition

Amy: We can't just live our lives afraid to offend someone. I think that we, you know, as a society, we need to just lighten up a little bit.
Mateo: Yeah, I mean really, if I think about it Mario is a hardworking plumber that rescues princesses. If anything, that costume honors Italians.
Amy: Yes.
Cheyenne: So I can wear my hula outfit if I'm honoring Hawaiians.
Mateo: Yea- I mean I guess if you feel like it's about honoring the culture and not just to look sexy.
Cheyenne: Yup, I'm honoring the culture.
Marcus: And I can wear my Rasta hat if it's about honoring Jamaicans.
Amy: [sighs] Well, I mean, I guess if we're saying that it's all or nothing, then I can't really think of a reason to say no.
Marcus: [Jamaican accent] Bumbaclot!
Dina: Okay then, contest back on.

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