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Quote from Cheyenne in Baby Shower

Cheyenne: I can't believe this. I was pregnant, and no one threw me a baby shower, and now Jerusha gets one? And she doesn't even work here.
Sandra: Why don't you join this one? I could add your name to the sign.
Jonah: I mean, you already have the kid. She already has the kid, so she doesn't want to...
Cheyenne: No. No. That'd be awesome.
Amy: Really, Cheyenne? I mean, it's barely a shower. There aren't gonna be any games.
Cheyenne: Oh, I can handle the games. I know, like, a million good ones, and Bo knows a guy who owns a bunch of storks. I don't know if that's helpful, but when they get drunk, it's hilarious.
Amy: Super helpful.
Cheyenne: Oh, this party's gonna be sick!
Sayid: Yeah!

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