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Quote from Garrett in Town Hall

Sandra: Couldn't they just say Jeff is lying?
Amy: Yes, except that an e-mail went around listing all the employees over 70 and how much money the company would save if they were fired.
Jeff: [on speaker phone] I don't have access to the corporate server anymore, but Laurie would on her phone.
Amy: Bam, there's our proof.
Mateo: And how are you going to get her e-mail?
Amy: That is the part that we have not figured out.
Garrett: Okay, well, then I assume you've figured out how to get Jeff past security or what to do if Laurie or Neil recognize him. Or how you're going to handle them turning off the cameras once Jeff starts speaking.
Jonah: So those are the other parts that we also haven't figured out yet.
Garrett: Mm, solid plan.

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