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Quote from Glenn in Local Vendors Day

Jonah: So it seems like, uh, Jerusha's sales seem to be picking up a little bit, huh?
Glenn: Yeah. God, I am so proud of her. 'Cause, you know, needlepoint comes easy to a lot of people. But not Jerusha.
Jonah: I just can't help but wonder if some of the employees might feel a little pressured, you know, to buy her stuff.
Glenn: I'm not pressuring anyone.
Jonah: No, of course not, but there's... Yeah, I think there's an inherent coercive power that you wield over the employees, even... even if you're not conscious of it.
Glenn: Yeah, sure, sure, but you know, I think if I was doing something subconsciously, I'd know it.
Jonah: Right.
Glenn: Yeah.
Jonah: Yeah, I just, you know... I think, uh... I think what I'm saying is, just be careful how you use your power.
Glenn: Well, maybe you should be careful how you use your power... Handsome.

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