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Quote from Amy in Groundhog Dad

Amy: Hey, um, can I ask you a question?
Man: Yeah.
Amy: Would you go out on a date with someone like me?
Man: Oh, I'm married.
Amy: Oh, no, no, no, I'm not asking you out. I just mean, like, theoretically. Like, say your wife died and you're single now.
Man: What? Why would she have died?
Amy: Okay fine, she never existed, or she was abducted. And you're not sad, you're fine. You were looking for a way out, and it led you to me, so on a scale from one to ten, I'm like a eight minimum, right?
Man: Uh, yeah, um, you know what? I, uh, I have a lot of great clothes at home, so I'll just... I'll just wear those before I go out shopping. Thank you.

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