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Quote from Garrett in Angels and Mermaids

Jonah: Do you believe in angels?
Garrett: Uh, which answer leads to no follow-up questions?
Jonah: Kelly believes in 'em. Like believes believes, you know? It's like wings and halos and harps. Well, I didn't ask about harps, but I assume...
Garrett: So she believes in angels. Who cares?
Jonah: I don't care, no, I just... I just think it's interesting, you know, I mean, I don't believe in angels, but if she wants to believe in angels, then I respect that, you know? Doesn't bother me. Is that something you think would bother you?
Garrett: Maybe, I don't know. Hey, when do you guys leave? Because I'm about to order a 22-foot sub, and I'd prefer to keep it intact, so one end has to start in your room.

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