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Quote from Amy in Part-Time Hires

Man: Excuse me, hi. Hey, listen, I'm sorry about before. I hadn't eaten anything, and, uh, I got a weird call from my wife.
Amy: Okay, let me stop you right there. I was wrong for yelling at you earlier. That girl, she messed up, and the only way she's gonna learn how to do her job right is if customers yell at her.
Man: Okay.
Amy: So if you wanted to, like, go over there and really give it to her, that would be fine. I mean, like, don't hold back. Obviously, don't hit her, but if you wanted to shake her a little, that would be cool.
Man: I'm not gonna shake a little girl. [man backs away]
Amy: No, no, I'm her mom. I'm not gonna report it.

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