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Quote from Amy in Part-Time Hires

Amy: Ever since the split with Adam, I just feel like everything I do is screwing her up, or maybe I've already screwed her up and it's too late, but she talks back to me, she sometimes wears a lot of eyeliner and I don't know what that means. I just feel like I'm losing control.
Glenn: Amy, can I ask you something but without you taking it the wrong way?
Amy: Sure.
Glenn: Are you stupid?
Amy: Um...
Glenn: She's a teenager.
Amy: Yeah, no, I know. I know she's a teenager. But it's just... it's more than that. She's secretive. She's distant. She doesn't listen to anything I say anymore... Oh my, God, I am stupid. She's a teenager. [sighs] Thank you.
Glenn: Anytime.
Amy: I can go back to yelling at her.
Glenn: Mm-hmm. Fun.

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