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Quote from Jonah in Black Friday

Jonah: [recording] Here we go. This is the Super Bowl of retail. There's a buzz in the air, a charge that probably doesn't read on camera. Uh, but over here we have the pre-opening potluck. Every employee brings a dish, much in the spirit of sharing. Isn't that a delightful tradition, Amy?
Amy: Yeah, I love waking up at 3:00 a.m. to eat Sandra's cold spinach casserole.
Sandra: It's meant to be served cold.
Amy: Sorry.
Jonah: Okay, Garrett, any advice for my first Black Friday?
Garrett: Get that camera out my face.
Jonah: All right, not a morning person. Cheyenne, how about you? How're you feeling?
Cheyenne: I'm okay. I think I hit something with my car, but I was too tired to check.
Jonah: Well, that's alarming.

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