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Quote from Mateo in Olympics

Mateo: It's not like I don't love America. I do. But it's not perfect. You guys are way too into brunch. I wish Asians were allowed to vote. And I... I don't really get the whole basement thing...
Jonah: Hold on. Hold on a second. What are you... What are you talking about?
Mateo: Yeah, I know... it's a democracy. One person, one vote... oh, unless you're Asian-American. Tell me why that is.
Jonah: I don't know that I can. Are you... Mateo, you're an American citizen, right?
Mateo: Oh, just 'cause I'm Asian, I can't be a citizen?
Jonah: No, no, I'm... I'm sorry. It's just that I've read about so many situations where parents bring their kids into the country illegally, and then, you know, they don't even tell them that they're undocumented.
Mateo: Believe me, I have plenty of documents. I went to the green card store personally with my grandmother.
Jonah: The... green card store?
Mateo: Yeah, they sell green cards and knockoff handbags and bootleg Spider-Man DVDs.

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