Quote from Dina in Olympics
Dina: Dina Fawkes, assistant manager. Amy: Hi, I'm Amy. I am a big fan. Dina: I'm not. No offense, I'm just not impressed by celebrities, but I do have an Olympics related question. Missy Jones: Great. Maybe I can answer. Dina: Is it true that the Olympic Village is basically just a three-week-long Slammerama? Missy Jones: Uh, I don't think I know how to answer that. Dina: All the best bodies in the world. All those synthetic fabrics. Nobody speaks the same language, so everything means yes. I'm gonna name some Olympians, and you tell me if you've... Mm-mm. Missy Jones: [clears throat] Honestly, I think we were all just there to compete. Dina: I get it. I got to buy the book. Okay.