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Quote from Amy in Shoplifter Rehab

Maya: Ooh, wow, "local clams." Where do you think they're getting those from?
Amy: Uh... Uh, the river.
Maya: The river?
Amy: Okay, I can't do this anymore. Maya, I know that I have been messing up all day. But before you fire me, I think you should know that I am a really good manager and... and... and... and I command respect and I don't do drugs and I don't steal Splenda packets.
Maya: Amy, I asked you to lunch because I thought a break from the store might help you chill out, girl.
Amy: Really?
Maya: Yes. I am not here to fire anybody.
Amy: Okay, 'cause, um, today has been a disaster. I mean, I would fire me.
Maya: It has been... weird.
Amy: Yeah.
Maya: Sure, but you're nervous. I get it. When the DM would visit my store, I would sweat through my shirt.
Amy: Yeah, there's a storm brewing underneath here.
Maya: Yeah.
Amy: So then if I... if I wanted to get a glass of wine, is...
Maya: I mean, you are going back to the store after this, though, right?
Amy: Yeah, no, I just... I meant for later, for a friend... you're just joking. Of course. I knew that. I got it. Can I have some of the house red? That's not a waiter. It's just a man.

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