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Quote from Garrett in Quinceañera

Garrett: Buddy, cut it out.
Teenage Boy: Cut what out?
Garrett: Dude, look, I was your age once. I was obsessed with breasts. I'm still a fan, but she's my friend, so stop staring at her.
Teenage Boy: I wasn't. I don't care about some lady's fake boobs.
Garrett: Okay, all right. Well, they're real, but whatever.
Teenage Boy: They're totally fake. You can tell when they're too round like that.
Garrett: Dude, don't act like you know about breasts. I dated her. They're real.
Teenage Boy: You dated her? So you've, like, seen them?
Garrett: Yeah. When adults date each other, they show each other their boobs.
Teenage Boy: What are they like? Are they awesome?
Garrett: Buddy, I'm not telling you about that. But the right one's a little perkier than the left one, but not in like a weird Picasso kind of way, and they're sort of spread out, but not like Admiral Ackbar. It's like they're... [sighs] You know what? I'll just draw 'em for ya. Come on.

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