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Quote from Glenn in Minor Crimes

Bill: There is a lot of damage around here.
Glenn: Yeah, I know. It was a gang of teenaged hoodlums. You know, slicked hair, leather jackets, combs in their back pockets.
Bill: Uh, total, I'd say you're looking at $18,000 for repairs.
Glenn: $18,000?
Bill: Yeah, there's a lot to do around here.
Glenn: I thought it would be more like $27,000. You never charge me this little.
Bill: The truth is I've been over-billing you for years, but I recently quit drinking and I'm trying to be a better person. I can do it for $15,000, but that's final.
Glenn: $15,000, but that's crazy!
Bill: No, it's not crazy. It's- It's me trying to be a better person. Can you go with me on this one?
Glenn: [meekly] Yeah, okay.

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