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Quote from Amy in Shots and Salsa

Carmen: [Mexican accent] Hola, senorita! Como estas?
Woman: Ooh, is that Mexican ketchup?
Carmen: "Jess, es berry" good.
Amy: You mean, "Yes, it's very good."
Woman: Oh, don't listen to her. You speak the language beautifully.
Carmen: Gracias, senorita. You want to try something special? This is, como se dice, pineapple.
Amy: Okay, you know what? Stop.
Carmen: No! You stop.
Amy: Talk like a normal person!
Woman: Excuse me, miss, but she is a normal person.
Amy: That's exactly what I'm saying!
Carmen: [falls] Ow! Damn it! Mother[bleep], Amy! [Bleep], aye! What the [bleep]!
Amy: See? Fake accent.

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