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Quote from Mateo in Groundhog Dad

Mateo: I... sorry, I mean, I would help him myself, but he insisted on speaking with a manager.
Amy: Hi, I'm Amy, the floor manager.
Castor: I'm Castor. You look really nice.
Amy: Okay, how can I help you?
Mateo: Uh, Castor mentioned that he works in insurance, which is a very stable industry.
Castor: I used to work in textiles, but insurance was a dream of mine, so now I work in insurance.
Mateo: He took the leap.
Amy: I'm sorry, do you two know each other?
Mateo: No.
Castor: Mateo's my cousin.
Mateo: Hmm. Cousin, in, like, you know, all Filipinos are related...
Castor: Our mothers are sisters.
Amy: Okay.

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